A modern High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster consists of a diverse stack of hardware and software. The hardware includes servers acting as nodes, one or more communication networks, and a storage system. The software stack, whose general structure is usually includes:
(1) an operating system, in most cases a Linux distribution,
(2) a provisioning system middleware that allows to install the software stack and configure the cluster,
(3) tools for monitoring and managing the cluster's status, configuration and resources,
(4) software development tools and libraries,
(5) a parallel file system (optional), and
(6) the applications, the programs that the users uses to do their job.

Installing and managing all these components is a complex task.

Bright Cluster Manager

Bright Cluster Manager, which manages a Beowulf cluster configuration, provides enterprise class management for the entire cluster, including the hardware, operating system, and users. It even manages the Hadoop, HPC, Cassandra, Spark, and other big data software. Bright Cluster Manager lets you administer clusters as a single entity, provisioning the hardware, operating system, and workload manager from a unified interface.

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